Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Okay so, we all took the Holiday Weekend to relax, now it's back to the old bump-and-grind and that means, back to blogging!

I had a request from a friend to write something about Pastina and I thought that, since this is the first Pasta that most (okay ALL) Italian kids eat, it would be most fitting. So, here goes...

After talking to my Grandmother, I learned that she used to boil the Pastina, then mix it with an egg and some grated cheese and the heat from the pasta would cook the egg. I know that for myself, I have done butter and cheese. Big surprise, huh? Also there's the old stand-by, just tomato sauce and cheese. Pastina is also a great addition to any soup. Although, I recomend boiling it separate and adding it to the soup after it's done.

Of course, like everything else, name brands count! Especially with pasta!

How do you like your Pastina?


  1. Mia enjoys hers with tomato sauce. Thanks for the article.

  2. My kids love it with an egg...the old school way :)
